You're just starting a new role as an in-house IT technician for a small publishing house. You've had your first cup of coffee, checked into the fault logging system and discovered a ticket from one of the staff - $name.
''Hi, my internet was down when I got in this morning, can someone take a look?''
Do you:
[[Go and look->At the workstation]]
[[Ask your supervisor, $supervisor for advice->Talking to supervisor]]
[[Check ticketing system for any known issues]]You decide you know enough to get started and after reminding yourself of the way, you head down to where $name works.
You greet $name who is starting to look a little stressed.
(display: "Troubleshooting steps")Since you're new, you decide to see what you can find out from your supervisor before going any further.
$supervisor is working on some paperwork for ordering new equipment but looks up when you come in.
"I haven't even had a chance to turn my computer on yet today," $supervisor says. "What's up?"
Do you:
[[Ask about $name->Ask about the user]]
[[Ask about the network->Troubleshooting advice]]
[[Go and have a look at $name's PC->At the workstation]]"$name?" says your supervisor. "One of the (either: "editors", "design team", "managers"). Been here a while now."
He checks his own ticketing screen.
"Quite $user with IT on the technical side, if that helps."
You make a mental note of this.
[[Ask about internet troubleshooting-->Troubleshooting advice]]
[[Go and have a look at $name's PC->At the workstation]]"So what's the Internet set-up here?" you ask. "Any ideas where I should start with $name's PC being offline?"
Your supervisor smiles.
"Well we always rule out the simple stuff first. Cables and things, even some of the more experienced users sometimes overlook that and end up calling us."
$name points out a network map on the wall.
"The router is getting on a bit and sometimes just needs a quick restart to bring it back to life. You'll know if it's that - all the lights tend to jam on! The ISP is pretty reliable but we've had one or two outages this year. I'll have to call them if it's happened again."
$name looks around as if trying to remember anything else that might help.
"The DHCP server had a problem a few weeks ago but if you think it's that just come and let me know and I'll show you the fix that worked last time."
You nod.
[[Ask about $name->Ask about the user]]
[[Go and have a look at $name's PC->At the workstation]]You open Chrome on $name's desktop. Before you've even tried to load a page, an error appears: ''No Internet Connection''
(link:"Try a different site")[You try to load Google and then the company website but get the same error.]
[[Try something else->Troubleshooting steps]]You open a command line.
[[Use ping]]
[[Use ipconfig]]
[[Try something else->Troubleshooting steps]]
You lean under the desk and look at the Cat5 cable where it runs into the PC. No lights on this particular model of NIC so you pull the cable out and re-seat it.
(if:$problem is "cable")[It feels oddly spongy instead of clicking firmly into place and you pull it back out for a closer look. The clip is broken.]
(else:)[Nothing looks wrong and it clicks firmly back into place.]
[[Replace the cable]]
[[Try something else->Troubleshooting steps]]"So when did you first notice the problem?" you ask $name.
"Just this morning, when I first came in," $name replies.
(if: $user is 'nervous')[
`"It's nothing I've done is it?"
You smile. "I'm sure it's not. These things happen. Just give me a moment to have a look."`]
(if: $user is 'confident')[
`"It was fine yesterday."
You nod. "Okay. Just give me a moment to have a look."`]
(if: $user is 'experienced')[
`"There was that issue with the DHCP server the other week. Could it be that again?`
(if: (history:) contains "Troubleshooting advice")[
"Perhaps," you say. "` $supervisor ` did mention that to me. Let's have a look."`
(else-if: (history:) contains "Check ticketing system for any known issues")[
"Could be," you say. "I did see something about that in the ticketing system."`]
You haven't heard about this and give a non-comittal 'maybe', making a mental note to talk to` $supervisor `about it later.`]
[[Try something else->Troubleshooting steps]]{
(if:$user is "nervous")["Who, me?" $name asks looking alarmed, when you ask if they've tried anything themselves. "No, I just called you guys!"]
(else-if:$user is "confident")[$name shrugs when you ask if anything has been tried so far. "I had a go at opening a few other websites - no joy"]
(else-if:$user is "experienced")["I pinged Google," $name tells you. "The whole lot looks down."]
[[Try something else->Troubleshooting steps]]{
(set: $name to (either: "Chris", "Sam", "Viv", "Ashley"))
(set: $user to (either: "nervous", "confident", "experienced"))
(set: $supervisor to (either: "Rachel", "Rhys", "Catrin", "Kevin"))
(set: $problem to (either: "ISP", "router", "cable", "DHCP"))
(if:$problem is "cable" or it is "DHCP")[
(set:$IPaddress to "")
(set:$SubnetMask to "")]
(set:$IPaddress to "")
(set:$SubnetMask to "")]
}You consider your options...
You could talk to someone:
[[Ask $name when the problem started->When did the problem start]]
[[Ask $name if they've tried anything so far->Have you tried anything so far]]
[[Ask around to see if anyone else has the same problem]]
You could get stuck in:
[[Open a web browser]]
[[Open a command line]]
[[Look at the cables under the desk]]
[[Go and look at the router]]
Or you could look for help:
[[Check ticketing system for any known issues]]
[[Escalate the problem to $supervisor->Escalate the problem]]
(if:$problem is "cable")[You locate a known good cable and replace it. This time it clicks firmly into place. (display:"Test Fix")`
(else:)[Figuring it can't hurt to rule it out, you locate a known good cable and replace it. It clicks firmly into place.`
`[[Try something else->Troubleshooting steps]]]
You type (font: "Courier")[ping] and hesitate...
[[Ping Google]]
[[Ping something on the local network]]You type the command and examine the results.
<small>(font: "Courier")[Windows IP Configuration
Host Name . . . . . . . . . . . . : $name-PC-Win7
Primary Dns Suffix . . . . . . . : bloggs.local
Node Type . . . . . . . . . . . . : Hybrid
IP Routing Enabled. . . . . . . . : No
WINS Proxy Enabled. . . . . . . . : No
DNS Suffix Search List. . . . . . : bloggs.local
Ethernet adapter Local Area Connection 1:
Connection-specific DNS Suffix . : bloggs.local
Description . . . . . . . . . . . : Realtek PCIe GBE Family Controller #2
Physical Address. . . . . . . . . : BC-5F-F4-CD-C5-A1
DHCP Enabled. . . . . . . . . . . : Yes
Autoconfiguration Enabled . . . . : Yes
IPv4 Address. . . . . . . . . . . : $IPaddress(Preferred)
Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . : $SubnetMask
Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . :
DHCP Server . . . . . . . . . . . :
DNS Servers . . . . . . . . . . . :
NetBIOS over Tcpip. . . . . . . . : Enabled
[[Try renewing the IP address]]
[[Try pinging one of the addresses]]
[[Try something else->Troubleshooting steps]] You type
(font:"Courier")[ipconfig /release
ipconfig /renew]
(if:$problem is "router" or it is "ISP")[The IP address and subnet renew with the same values: $IPaddress and $SubnetMask. Nothing else changes.]
(if:$problem is "cable")[After a moment a message appears.`
`(font:"Courier")[No operation can be performed on the Local Area Connection while it has its media disconnected]]
(if:$problem is "DHCP")[After a moment a message appears.`
`(font:"Courier")[An error occured when renewing interface Local Area Connection: Unable to contact your DHCP server. Request has timed out]]
[[Try something else at the command line->Open a command line]]
[[Try something else altogether->Troubleshooting steps]]You type (font:"Courier")[ping] and get back the results.
(font:"Courier")[Ping request could not find host Please check the name and try again.]
[[Ping something on the local network]]
[[Use ipconfig]]{
(if:(history:) contains "Check ticketing system for any known issues")[(display: "Try pinging one of the addresses")]
(else-if:(history:) contains "Troubleshooting advice")[You try to remember the network address on the board you saw when you spoke to $supervisor. The DHCP scope was a 192.168.0.x one but you can't remember more than that.]
(else:)[You don't know any of the important network addresses yet.]
[[Use a different command->Open a command line]]
[[Do something else->Troubleshooting steps]]
You make a decision and start typing.
You type
After a moment the response appears in your command line window:
(if:$problem is "DHCP")[PING: transmit failed. General failure. ]
(if:$problem is "cable")[General failure]
(if:$problem is "ISP")[Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=64]
(if:$problem is "router")[Request Timed Out]
[[Keep working on the command line->Open a command line]]
[[Try something else->Troubleshooting steps]]You type
After a moment the response appears in your command line window:
{(font:"Courier")[(if:$problem is "DHCP")[PING: transmit failed. General failure. ]
(if:$problem is "cable")[General failure]
(if:$problem is "ISP" or it is "router")[Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=64]
[[Keep working on the command line->Open a command line]]
[[try something else->Troubleshooting steps]]Cable, ISP, DHCP, Router
KNow adddress if FAQ
Mark as end?
page for bug testing - set variable
Brush up and neaten use of history when supervisor sends you off to do things.
Extensions -- add tests to fixes. User responses. Communicating with users. history of what done and feedback
Ticketing model with fill in links
You congratulate yourself on the first fix of the day.
Refresh the page to try again! Remember the problem might be different...You look at the main router lights. The power light, at least, is steady green.
(if:$problem is "router")[The LAN and Internet lights are also both solid green.]
(else-if:$problem is "ISP")[The LAN light is flickering green and the Internet light is orange.]
(else:)[The LAN light is flickering green and the Internet light is steady green.]
(link:"Restart the router")[You hesitate before restarting the router. If you're wrong then that could be really disruptive.
[[Go ahead and restart it->Restart the router]]
[[Check with your supervisor first->Ask if it's okay to restart the router]]]
[[Try something else first->Troubleshooting steps]]You head back up to the office and quickly outline the problem and what you've tried to $supervisor.
[["I think there's a problem with the DHCP server" you say.->Check DHCP Server]]
[["I think the problem might be at the ISP" you say->Contact ISP]]
[[Ask for general information about the network->Troubleshooting advice]]
[[Ask if it's okay to restart the router]]You (if: (history:) contains "Ask if it's okay to restart the router")[go back to the switch cabinet and] pull the power out of the router and wait a few minutes before plugging it back in.
(if:$problem is "router")[After a moment the lights settle back down. The Power and Internet lights are now steady green and the LAN light flickers with traffic.`
`(display:"Test Fix")`
(else-if:$problem is "DHCP")[The lights come back on as the system restarts - Power and Internet are still steady green and the LAN light is flickering green.`
`You experiment but the problem appears to still be present. No one appears to have noticed any further disruption however.`
`[[Try something else->Troubleshooting steps]]]
(else-if:$problem is "ISP")[The lights come back on as the system restarts. The Power light is steady green, the LAN light flickering green and the Internet light still steady orange. `
`You experiment but the problem appears to still be present. No one appears to have noticed any further disruption however.`
`[[Try something else->Troubleshooting steps]]]
(else:)[Almost at once you hear a wail from the next room. "The Internet's gone down!" `
`You wait impatiently for the router to restart and the lights to settle down. The Power and Internet lights are now steady green and the LAN light flickers with traffic. `
`$name however still can't get online.`
`[[Try something else->Troubleshooting steps]]]
}You ask around to find out if anyone else is having trouble with the Internet this morning.
(if:$problem is "router" or it is "ISP")[A few people confirm that yes, they've had trouble getting on websites or emails, although no one has had trouble with the local network.]
(else-if:$problem is "DHCP")[It turns out there are stressed people in every direction complaining they can't get email, reach websites or even get to their saved work on the local network!]
(else:)[No else seems to be having problems.]
[[Try something else->Troubleshooting steps]]You run a few more checks and confirm that $name is happy with the fix before returning to the office to log the fix and close the ticket.$supervisor sighs. "Again? I'll have to have a look more closely at the problem if it is. Did you try renewing the IP address in IPconfig?"
(unless:(history:) contains "Try renewing the IP address")["Um, no," you admit.`
`[[Go back to the PC and try it now->Try renewing the IP address]]]
(else:)["Yes," you say. "But it failed."`
`"Okay," says $supervisor and leads the way to to the server room. You watch closely and after a few moment's work $supervisor looks up.`
`(if:$problem is "DHCP")["There we are - restarting the service seems to have cured it. Well done.`
`You smile. A good start to the day."`
(else:)["Nope," $supervisor says. "[[Keep Looking->Troubleshooting steps]]"]]
}$supervisor frowns. "It's possible but it doesn't happens very often. What makes you think that?"
(unless:(history:) contains "Go and look at the router")[You hesitate, unable to point to one specific thing."`
`[[Go and check->Troubleshooting steps]]]
(unless:$problem is "ISP")[You talk vaguely about the troubleshooting you've done but you don't seem to be very convincing. `
`"The internet light will be orange if the ISP is down," $supervisor says. "[[Go back and check->Go and look at the router]]"]
(else:)["I looked at the router lights," you say. "The Internet was orange. Should it be green?"`
`"Yes," $name says. "Did you try restarting it?"
(if:(history:) contains "Restart the router")["Yes," you say. "But it didn't help."`
`"No problem," says $supervisor, "They're just bound to ask us to do that first!"`
`"I'll give them a call now and see what's up."`
`"No," you say.`
`"Not a problem," says "$supervisor, "Best to check sometimes anyway, before turning off something that major! But you'd [[better go and rule it out.->Restart the router]]"]]
}You log in and examine the recent faults and known issue list.
''Router (''
The router has "frozen" 4 times in the past 3 months after being stable for years. A restart normally cures it. The LAN light should be flickering green when all is working normally - indicating traffic moving back and forth. When it is stuck on solid green it normally means the router is down.
''DHCP Server (''
The DHCP server had a problem a few weeks ago. $supervisor knows the fix and has requested that any repeat issue be escalated.
The ISP has dropped the connection twice this year. This can be recognised by the Internet light on the router being orange instead of green. The ISP will always ask you to restart it before contacting them.
[[Keep troubleshooting->Troubleshooting steps]]"Is it okay to restart the router?" you ask.
"Just make sure it //is// the router or the ISP first," $supervisor reminds you. "Otherwise you'll have people screming the place down if you knock them offline."
[[Ask how you can tell]]
[[Ask about something else $supervisor->Escalate the problem]]
[[Restart the router]]
[[Try something else->Troubleshooting steps]]
(if: (history:) contains "Troubleshooting advice")["Like I said..." $supervisor reminds you.]
(else-if: (history:) contains "Check ticketing system for any known issues")["It's in the ticket, remember..." says $supervisor. "We've had it happen before."]
(else:)["I normally put this sort of thing in the ticketing system," says $supervisor."]
"The power light and Internet lights should be solid green and the LAN light should be flickering. Jammed on LAN light means the router's fallen over. Orange internet light probably means the ISP have."
[[Ask about something else $supervisor->Escalate the problem]]
[[Try something else->Troubleshooting steps]]
[[Restart the router]]